ამ ეგზემპლარზე გადასასვლელად გამოიყენეთ ეს იდენტიფიკატორი: https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/handle/1234/333342
სათაური: Truso – Historical and Ethnocultural Issues
ავტორები: Topchishvili, Roland
Jalabadze, Natia
Bagrationi, Giorgi
Gagoshidze, Giorgi
Gogochuri, Giorgi
Janiashvili, Lavrenti
Avtandilashvili, Giorgi
საკვანძო სიტყვები: Geographical overview of the Upper reaches of the Tergi Gorge
Truso in the Context of Russian hybrid warfare
Truso – historical-ethnographic region of Georgia
თრუსოს ხეობა
გამოცემის თარიღი: 2021
გამომცემელი: Tbilisi
აღწერილობა: The book is the result of interdisciplinary research involving scholars from various academic fields (history, ethnology, art history, architecture, archeology). the monograph deals with the history of Truso, its relationship to the state,the ethnic composition of the population, monuments of material culture, etc. The authors discuss the impact of the current socio-cultural, demographic and economic transformations and political challenges on the current state and infrastructure of the region. The study of written sources, ethnographic data, monuments of material culture, epigraphy, toponyms, confirms that since ancient times the region was an area of settlement of Georgians and was part of the Georgian state. In a sense, this book gives an answer to the falsifiers of the history of Georgia, who present Truso as one of the centers of the formation of the Ossetian ethnos and their historical homeland
ISBN: 978-9941-493-11-9
მფლობელი: საქართველოს პარლამენტის ეროვნული ბიბლიოთეკა
შესულია კოლექციებში:წიგნადი ფონდი

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ფაილი აღწერილობა ზომაფორმატი 
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